Managing up. What does that mean? Managing up is a practice that has the outcome of your boss having an easier
The 6 deadliest words in any corporation are “It’s always been done that way”. That simple phrase could be getting between you and your hard-earned income. How, you ask? Complacency in the workplace means dealing with redundancy, the same stressors that never seem to end, and being pigeonholed into a role without much room to grow. This is where managing up comes in. When you’re getting ready to ask for a raise, you do not want to go in cold. You want to start planting the seeds of value in your boss’s mind and get a feel for where they’re at with your perceived value to the team.
Conversely, if your manager doesn’t have any suggestions for improvement (one can dream!) then ask about any other projects or duties that you can take on to contribute more to the team.
One often overlooked detail in workplace pay politics is that your colleague who is earning more than you, despite being in the same role, might be taking on more responsibility than you realise. It’s easy to feel like favouritism is at play, and
sometimes it is, but, more often than not, you’ll find that your colleague is improving the workflow in some way that is managing up and making life for your boss easier. Your goal is to negotiate equal work for equal pay. Before going in to demand a salary match with your colleague, make sure you’re completing the same amount of work as they are.
Another way to manage up is through professional development. Professional development is never a waste of time. Not only does it help you improve any skills or knowledge gaps you may have, but it also demonstrates employee engagement, something any boss worth their weight in salt will look for and encourage. Look at your corporate learning calendar if your organisation has one. If it doesn’t have one, ask management if there are any courses or workshops, they recommend you take to do your job more effectively. Upskilling and taking on greater responsibility will put you in a fantastic position to ask for that raise.
Join us next week for the final instalment of our series and find out how to start that difficult conversation of asking for a raise.
Ready to start updating your resume to reflect all the managing up you’ve accomplished? Contact us today for a free consultation!