Hack Your Next Interview and Achieve Interview Success.

The Ultimate Interview Hacking Course that will equip you with the techniques and knowledge to control the flow of an interview and land your dream job.

Partnering with ZYGAVERSE to bring the best practice on employability skills.

The Hidden Art of Interview Hacking course has been developed in conjunction with the experts over at ZYGAVERSE and has achieved credentials with ongoing partnerships including:

Hear what our previous students have said!

"You just need this course"
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First of all, I would recommend this course to everyone, because it is very interesting and can help when preparing for an interview. Really great course, I learned a lot of things about how to prepare and get more chances at a job interview. The course contains all the necessary things a candidate needs to know for a great job interview. As they say at the beginning of the course “You won’t need happiness anymore, you just need this course"
"My confidence rose enormously"
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A big 5 🙂 actually I had an online meeting after I completed the course and my confidence rose enormously.
"It is based on science"
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My favourite part of the course is that it is based on science, so all statements are facts. I was surprised because wearing something red or yellow is considered as not the best choice and I always taught those colours represented confidence and happiness.
"I really loved learning about social proof and scientific facts behind it"
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I really loved learning about social proof and scientific facts behind it. What I found most interesting are some facts I already subconsciously knew but never knew were facts. For example, I have always felt different when someone repeated my name in a conversation but I did not know why. I also found color theory really interesting.
"Easy to understand"
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With a score of 5, I would rate the simplicity of everything that was explained, because it made it easy to understand and identify everything with real situations.

Grow Your Mindset and Confidence in Handling Interviews!

Expand your knowledge and understand the crucial elements of an interview that are invisible to the naked eye.

Confidently handle yourself in interviews and leave great impressions.

The feeling of being knocked back from a job can be disheartening and a real blow to your confidence. The job market can be incredibly competitive. Whilst your skills are important, how you interact with your interviewer can really make you stand out from the crowd.
Often, the pressure of an interview derails all your well-laid plans to impress. These pressures can include:

OUR course has been developed to help you succeed in interviews

Now, imagine you had the knowledge and insight to influence social interactions to YOUR advantage and achieve interview success. The Hidden Art of Interview Hacking is your trusty resource to navigate the psychology behind communication and secure your dream job.

Your interactions with people in an interview are crucial, the way you build trust all boils down to psychology.

Our course will help you gain an understanding of the verbal and non-verbal techniques you can use to turn you from a good candidate into an unforgettable one.

The Hidden are of interview hacking

Get a little preview of what this course can do for you!

Discover a quick breakdown of how social proof can build your rapport in an interview!
The art of interview hacking

Take on any interview with ease

Learn to create a great impression in your next interview by expertly using non-verbal communication to influence and impact how interviewers perceive you and your worth. 

Recruitment and Resume Writing

Control the flow of an interview

Avoid uncomfortableness and awkward gaps in your interview by responding to social cues and behaviours. This allows you to control the flow of conversation and highlight your key attributes.

stress positive

Take the stress out of interviews

Diminish the nerve-racking effects of interviews and let your true self shine by gaining an understanding of non-verbal communication. This is paramount in high stake interviews.

Interview Stategies

Evidence-Based interview strategies

The Hidden Art Of Interview Hacking has been developed through extensive University workshop trials to ensure it’s both practical and easy to implement in an interview situation.

Expand your skill set to handle any scenario

The skills you learn throughout the course aren’t only helpful during interviews. They can be drawn upon in a whole range of social interactions in your day-to-day life!

Enhance your perceived value to employers

Strong communication skills are not only going to endear you to your interviewer, but also increase your perceived value to an employer. Leaving them emotionally and logically confident in hiring you.

Confidently prepare your mind to think about your next move

Our Interview Hacking course will guide you towards having natural and effective interviews. Enrol today and you will receive a FREE Ebook on how to write a Killer Cover Letter.

Skills that benefit you for life – not just for an interview.

The Interview Hacking Course has been designed to improve your overall confidence by understanding the psychology behind social interactions and communication.

Master the art of communication

Enhancing your non-verbal communication techniques will increase your confidence in social settings and allow you to sway the conversation in your favour.

Improve YOUR interview performance

By improving the way you communicate with others you will hold yourself in good stead to break through the pack and secure yourself a dream job position.

Create strong trust, rapport & likability

A large part of a successful interview is endearing yourself to the interviewer. Through our course, you will develop the skills to build a relationship in a short amount of time.

Instant-access learning

Access to the Hidden Art Of Interview Hacking course is yours forever. Whenever you want to go back to review the content and brush up on your skills you can!

Easily digestible content

The course has been developed to be one you actually finish! It features interactive learning and resources to help you retain the information and apply it in an interview.

Course Content

  • What to expect in this course (1:02) – Preview
  • First impressions introduction (5:42)
  • Names and Brains (1:59) – Preview
  • Appearance Matters (3:50)
  • Dress for Success (3:01)
  • Colour Psychology and Personality (3:58)
  • The Law of Attractiveness (4:09)
  • Handshake Analysis (4:50)
  • Time to Shine (1:11)
  • Section 1 Quiz
  • Social Proof Introduction (1:54) – Preview
  • What is Social Proof ? (1:05)
  • The Neurphysical Process (8:28)
  • Multiple Source Effect (4:02)
  • Mechanism of Action (3:39)
  • Summary (1:11)
  • Section 2 Quiz
  • Likeability Introduction (3:10)
  • Self Disclosure (3:57)
  • Questions (2:21)
  • Projection of Liking (3:15)
  • Complimentary Compliments (2:53)
  • More of the Same (2:20)
  • Trust Me (1:18)
  • Likeability and Emotional Transference (1:36)
  • Section 3 Quiz
  • Nonverbal Communication Introduction (5:34)
  • Postural Priorities (3:18)
  • Mirroring (1:11)
  • Positive and Negative Body Language (3:09)
  • Open and Closed Body Language (2:39)
  • The Power of the Posture (4:25)
  • Listen to Me (2:45)
  • Eye Contact (1:39)
  • Facial Mimicry (1:44)
  • Emotional Contagion (3:34)
  • The Happiness Epidemic (2:14)
  • Hand Talk (2:36)
  • Section 4 Quiz
  • Course Summary and Handouts


Get the course that will save you time studying for interviews.


$ 29 99
  • Instant access to the Course
  • Access to downloadable resources that will help you succeed in your next interview
  • Free Ebook on how to write a Killer Cover Letter valued at $19.95AUD
  • The flexibility to complete your course at your own pace anytime, anywhere.
The art of interview hacking

Learn about the team that brought you this awesome course!

Resumes Done Right is a standout resume writing company headed by recruitment expert, Jimmy Curnow. Jimmy and his team have over 20 years of experience in both recruitment and professional writing.

In collaboration with ZYGAVERSE, Resumes Done Right have developed The Hidden Art Of Interview Hacking to help you nail your next interview. The combination of knowledge between the two powerhouses ensures the course is tailored to assist you throughout every step of your interview.

Jimmy from Resumes done right

Need more than just the course to get your foot in the door?

Bolster the valuable skills you’ve learnt through The Hidden Art Of Interview Hacking together with our interview preparation service!

We work with you to understand the specifics of the role you have applied for and assist in developing scenarios and interview questions for you to answer. This gives you the opportunity to practice your delivery so you can nail your upcoming interview with confidence!

Enquire about our interview preparation service


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