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Tips on How to Make 2019 the Year You Get Your Dream Job

It’s 2019 And We’ve Put Together Tips On How To You Get The Job You’ve Always Wanted


Nothing goes together quite like resolutions and the start of a new year. The excitement of starting out with fresh goals and intentions, then making those dreams become a reality, is a concept that many adults set out to tackle at the beginning of every single year.

For some, the resolutions might be small, like to eat more vegetables, finally get back to the gym (fitness studios LOVE this time of year) or to stop putting sugar in their coffee.

While many others set out with larger goals, like buying their first home, going on that big vacation, or setting out on the journey to land their dream job (that’s why you’re here after all, right?).

Larger goals, like going for your dream job, require a lot of careful planning and patience.

Finding and then actually getting your ideal career won’t happen overnight, so staying motivated and focused is paramount, or you’ll most likely fall victim to the post-New Year’s resolution fail.

You know the one. Where lost motivation and daily life struggles take over, causing you to push your goals to the side once again. Only to repeat the cycle next year.

For those of you who are finally ready to make 2019 the year to commit to finding your dream job, we’re here to help with a list of tips, tricks, and questions to ask yourself and to keep you motivated while working towards your goal!

Know Where You Want To Go


The first and most important thing you need to do is identify your ideal job.

Make a list of all the qualities your dream career would have, what type of environment you would like to be working in, company culture, structure, etc.

Identifying what you want out of this perfect job, will allow you to develop a strategy for where you should begin your search, what companies may be a good fit for you, and what changes you may need to make across your professional documents and social media profiles to make yourself more appealing.

Identify Your Skillset


Now that you’ve nailed down what qualities your dream job has, it’s time to look at your skills and professional experience.

Taking stock of your current skills and experience not only helps you identify areas that may require up-skilling, but it also helps to start identifying jobs that might be a good fit.

*Bonus Tip* When you start your job search, always look at the skills, not the job title. While job titles may sound flashy and seem like they align better with your career goals, you may be missing other great opportunities.

Job titles are constantly changing, so paying attention to the skills a job requires rather than the title, can potentially lead to a career presenting itself that you didn’t necessarily know matched your qualifications.

Make A List Of Your Dream Companies And Then RESEARCH:


Everyone has their company unicorns. Those places that you’ve always wanted to work, that seem to ooze the same values you do, and where the employees are super happy.

Take the time to write every single dream company down, and then set aside time at least once a week to research these companies.

Find out what jobs are currently available, where they’re planning on going with their business, and anything else you think will assist you when (not if) you finally land your interview.

The more you are able to find out about these companies, the more prepared you will apply when the jobs you want to come available.



We never stop learning, and to get the job you’ve always wanted, you may need to look at picking up some new skills to make yourself more hireable.

Currently, there is a huge selection of online programs that for a small fee will grant you access to thousands of online tutorials that offer education and upskilling.

Some of our favourites include Skillshare, Lynda, Udemy


LinkedIn Needs To Be Your New Best Friend


If you are not yet utilising LinkedIn for your career resolutions, then now is the time to spruce up your account and start using the many benefits it offers to those looking to find their dream job.

Besides having over 120k jobs available on their jobs board in Australia, it offers a ton of other benefits.

Those include the ability to follow and keep track of news and events in the companies and industries you are interested in applying for, connect with recruiters for those companies, and promote your skills and qualifications to make yourself more appealing to potential job opportunities.

Be Confident


This is usually the easiest thing to say, but the hardest thing to do.

For most the process of searching, applying, and interviewing can be a long process that can be sprinkled with rejection and slow momentum.

Staying confident and setting little goals throughout the process, such as applying for one job a week or reaching out to a recruiter at one of your unicorn companies, will help you stay focussed and confident in moving forward with your plan.

Never sell yourself short or let the process defeat you. if it was easy then your future dream employers would never get to see your strong work ethic or how much you’ve wanted to work with them.

Invest In A Professional Resume Writer


Once you have figured out what your dream job is, hire a resume writer to help get you there. Many companies are turning to screening resumes via software that scans for certain criteria and words.

If it doesn’t find what it’s looking for in your resume, you’ll end up with your resume sent straight to the trash folder.

Beyond this, a quality professional resume writer can help in creating a CV that is tailored to the role you are going after.

For example, you may be looking at going for a job in a new industry where your experience may not 100% align. A professional resume writer will work with your previous skills to help build a resume that will get you noticed by potential employers.

While the above will not guarantee that you land the job of your dreams, setting goals, doing your research, preparing and being confident is the start of setting you up for success in 2019.

The only thing left to do now is making those resolutions a reality.

Resumes Done Right is a team of resume writing professionals helping Australians nationwide find and obtain their dream job.

We offer free resume consultations, professional resume writing, cover letter writing, LinkedIn profile building, job coaching and more.

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